قم بعمل المشروع على
قم ببناء الدارة
10 علامات
القطع اللازمة
Parts required:
three 10 kilohm resistors
3 220 ohm resistors
3 photoresistors
red green and blue colored gels
انسخ الكود التالي:
const int greenLEDPin = 9; // LED connected to digital pin 9
const int redLEDPin = 10; // LED connected to digital pin 10
const int blueLEDPin = 11; // LED connected to digital pin 11
const int redSensorPin = A0; // pin with the photoresistor with the red gel
const int greenSensorPin = A1; // pin with the photoresistor with the green gel
const int blueSensorPin = A2; // pin with the photoresistor with the blue gel
int redValue = 0; // value to write to the red LED
int greenValue = 0; // value to write to the green LED
int blueValue = 0; // value to write to the blue LED
int redSensorValue = 0; // variable to hold the value from the red sensor
int greenSensorValue = 0; // variable to hold the value from the green sensor
int blueSensorValue = 0; // variable to hold the value from the blue sensor
void setup() {
// initialize serial communications at 9600 bps:
// set the digital pins as outputs
pinMode(greenLEDPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redLEDPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(blueLEDPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Read the sensors first:
// read the value from the red-filtered photoresistor:
redSensorValue = analogRead(redSensorPin);
// give the ADC a moment to settle
// read the value from the green-filtered photoresistor:
greenSensorValue = analogRead(greenSensorPin);
// give the ADC a moment to settle
// read the value from the blue-filtered photoresistor:
blueSensorValue = analogRead(blueSensorPin);
// print out the values to the serial monitor
Serial.print("raw sensor Values \t red: ");
Serial.print("\t green: ");
Serial.print("\t Blue: ");
In order to use the values from the sensor for the LED,
you need to do some math. The ADC provides a 10-bit number,
but analogWrite() uses 8 bits. You'll want to divide your
sensor readings by 4 to keep them in range of the output.
redValue = redSensorValue / 4;
greenValue = greenSensorValue / 4;
blueValue = blueSensorValue / 4;
// print out the mapped values
Serial.print("Mapped sensor Values \t red: ");
Serial.print("\t green: ");
Serial.print("\t Blue: ");
Now that you have a usable value, it's time to PWM the LED.
analogWrite(redLEDPin, redValue);
analogWrite(greenLEDPin, greenValue);
analogWrite(blueLEDPin, blueValue);
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